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Let’s make your next real estate venture a success. Learn more about the Potomac Highlands current property listings or receive information about selling your home or land by calling our office (304) 567-7000 or call/text Broker Jeremy Harper directly at (304) 521-5871 today. You can also fill out the form below.

* By providing a telephone number and/or email address, you give express permission for us to call you or email you, even if your phone number is on a state or national “Do Not Call” list.

For Inquiries Contact:

Jeremy Harper – Broker
Cell: (304) 521-5871
[email protected]

Andrew Kisamore – Realtor
Cell: (304) 358-6372
[email protected]

Laura Brown – Sales Agent
Cell: (304) 668-3952
[email protected]

Office Manager
(304) 567-7000
[email protected]

Office Headquarters:
470 Allegheny Drive,
Seneca Rocks, WV 26884

Address: 470 Allegheny Drive, Seneca Rocks, WV 26884 – Get Directions

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